St. George
Episcopal Church
Maple Valley,
Soup & Socks – our ministry program reaching out to homeless adults & teens in Maple Valley. Always looking for donations of clothing and food items. Contact Brother Allen if you are interested in helping.
Linus Project – The lady of St. Anne’s host a monthly sewing & blanket group. No sewing experience required, all blankets are donated.
Vine Maple Place – We are active part of this group, we provide a board member, financial support and donations to this worthy ministry, building stability and a place of home for families in King County.
Maple Valley Food Bank & Social Services – Our community of St. George volunteers, provides financial support, donations and special event help to our strong local food bank.
Kairos – Episcopal outreach ministry bringing faith fellowship into correctional facilities.
Episcopal Relief Development – One of our ways of reaching into our global community. ERD provides disaster relief, clean water, and development.
Pledge – Help us plan responsibly for our ministries and outreach budgets by filling out a pledge card. This helps us get the most out of our yearly programs.
Planned Giving – If you would like to provide for St. George in the future please contact the finance committee to sit down and discuss long-term planned giving.
Ministries & Committee’s
Bishop’s Committee – Church members elected annually to a three-year term to help the vicar manage the church
Communications Team – Produces the Quest newsletter, Calendar, Website
Finance Committee – Assists the church treasurer with the church finances
Stewardship Committee – Administers annual pledge drive and talent drive
Green Committee – Focus on being good stewards of our environment
Building & Grounds – Junior warden, men’s group and others work to maintain our grounds and labyrinth
Welcome Ministry – Focuses on church growth & welcoming new members
Altar Guild – set up the altar & care for linens and vestments
Sunday Greeters – Those smiling faces welcoming you to service
Readers & Eucharistic Ministers – Our lay worship leaders, readers & chalice bearers
Church Programs – Develop worship themes, music, visuals & special services
Choir & Music - Our talented voices & musicians, sharing their gifts