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Stewardship & Giving


What is stewardship?

Stewardship is a response to God's grace, a tangible expression of thanksgiving for all the ways that God has blessed our lives. Your gifts of time, talent and treasure to enhance and expand the work of St. George are an important part of that response. For St. George, receiving pledges during our stewardship campaign is crucial, enabling the church to plan its budget for 2020 by providing an overall estimate of the funding our church will have to operate in the coming year.

The Pledge Form below invites you to make financial commitment to St. George for 2020.


                                                                                                All the church's operations depend upon the congregation's                                                                                                  support - including, to name just a few, the salaries of our                                                                                                      pastor and staff, Sunday worship and music, educational                                                                                                        programs, outreach and other ministries, communications,                                                                                                  office supplies, and utilities and building maintenance.


                                                                                                Finally, are your values reflected in how you spend, share                                                                                                      and save your treasure? As you hear about the needs and                                                                                                        ministries of St. George, do you feel drawn to further God's                                                                                                  ministry in our community through your financial giving?

Your pledges are acknowledgments of prayerful discernment, statements of intent, symbols of solidarity with the mission and ministries of our church, and affirmations of membership.

Again, thank you for your support of the mission and ministries of St. George Episcopal Church, and your membership in our community of faith. Your contributions are so important.


Pledge – Help us plan responsibly for our ministries and outreach budgets by filling out a pledge card. This helps us get the most out of our yearly programs.

Planned Giving – If you would like to provide for St. George in the future please contact the finance committee to sit down and discuss long-term planned giving.


Pledge Online



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